Important Information

Power outage Tuesday July 4 2017
KAJUR wishes to inform the Ebeye community that a power outage is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday July 4 starting at 12:00 noon until such time installation of a new fuel pump for one of our power plant generators is complete. This power outage will only affect...
Power outage Tuesday June 27 2017
Iakwe Aolep, KAJUR wishes to inform the general public that an island-wide power outage is scheduled for today, Tuesday, 27 Jun 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. This power outage is necessary to do some preventive maintainance work on both our generation and...
MIT Internship
Description MIT Lincoln Laboratory RMI Intern Training Program – Summer 2017 Description: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL), partnered with the logistical support of United State Army Garrison – Kwajalein Atoll (USAG-KA), has...
Kwajalein Atoll Fish Studies/Jerbal in Ekatak Ko Kin Eek ilo Kwajalein Atoll February 2017
Jerbal in ekatak ko ikijen eek, ekoba jerbal in karreo ko ilo enne, rej wonmanlok wot ilo aer etale ta ko remaron walok non jukjuk im melan Kwajalein Atoll jen jerbal im makitkit ko rej komon ie.
Nitijela Standing Committee on Appropriations (APPRO) RMI GLOBAL BUDGET – FY2017
Kojela nan aolep Government Ministries & Agencies kein an Kien bwe enaj ijjino im wonmanlok wot hearing ko ami ippen Committee eo an Nitijela Ikijien Appropriation ak Global Budget eo an Majel nan FY2017 ak Kejemooj ilo raan im awa kein rej elajerak ijin ilal....