Iakwe all,
KAJUR wishes to inform the Ebeye Community of a scheduled power outage for EBEYE LAGOON SIDE only. This outage is scheduled from 1:00 PM to 6:00PM tomorrow, Tuesday, 17 October 2017. This scheduled outage is necessary to perform PM on two of our generators.
Thank you for your understanding.
Iakwe aoleb,
KAJUR ej kojjelaik jukjuk in bed eo ilo Ebje kin juon kun jarom eo enaaj jelot TU-IAAR in Ebje wot. Kun jarom in enaj komman jen 1:00 awa elikin raelep nan 6:00 awa jota iliju, Tuesday, October 167raan, 2017. Unin kun jarom in ej nan komman jerbal in PM ilo ruo iian injin ko ad.
Kom emool kin ami naaj melele kin jokjok in.